Hello friends. Do you sometimes wonder where God is when you go through moments of darkness, confusion, questioning, grief, depression, anxiety, loneliness, lack, seclusion, and just a constellation of emotions and trials? You know that there is absolutely no one else who is able to fill in the gap of the void you feel, meet your needs, or satisfy you with the necessary comfort. Your soul is crying out and your spirit longs to feel that connection that somehow seems disrupted. The source that has everything you need to make you whole and at peace seems to have left you groping in the dark. Your spiritual strength is weary, and hope is desperately fading.
Friends, if this is you, know that emotional distress will cloud your better judgment, and try to override what you know is the truth. What is that truth? The truth is that God said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5. Do not allow your present distress to create a prolonged period of you wallowing in self-pity and all the other emotions that come along with it. When you belong to God, He has afforded you with sure promises that remedy every negative emotion and growth processing trial that you go through. He is faithful to you and will never abandon you at any time, nor expect you to fend for yourself in times of distress. He is with you to the very end.
Remember His promises and plan to prosper you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Never to harm you. He will never go back on His word. His word that He has spoken over you will never return void. He will fulfill all. Your trials are only for a moment and there is purpose in every trial you face. So rise up and confess His word daily to reassure yourself. He wants you to gain confidence in Him, be strengthened by Him, and stay in His presence. Don’t pull back, HE IS IN THE MIDST!!! Press into Him even more and you WILL see Him leading and guiding you. Be encouraged today with His words of hope. HE IS IN THE MIST!
Peace and Love.