I have 2 new shoots that came up on my kitchen plant. I did not even notice them, even though I see this plant every single day. By the time I noticed them, they were almost as tall as the older shoots. I was extremely happy to see this new growth after 4 years of having this plant. Some months ago I lost a stem from this plant and I didn’t take it so well. I wanted this plant to be full and beautiful and losing a stem made me feel as if the plant was going to die, even though I was doing my best to take care of it.
Friends, this is a great example of how our lives can be. God has given us life, but we need time to grow. In the process of growth, God will allow us lose habits, ways, people, and dead things attached to us that will stunt our growth and stop us from flourishing. He prunes us and gets us ready to receive all the blessings He has in store for us. God will ensure that we are mature and strong enough to handle what He wants to give us. He will not give us what we cannot handle, nor wants us to misuse, or abuse what He has given us.
Friends, May we have eyes to always see the new blessings and may our hearts be conditioned to know that even though we may not see growth for a long time, or we may not get what we have been praying for in the time frame that we want, know that it will certainly come. We must trust God and believe He will allow us to see all He has promised us in due season. These processes teach us patience and sharpen our ability to endure. We will flourish, we will prosper and we will be like the tree planted by the rivers of water to brings forth fruit in due season. TRUST YOUR PROCESS. GOD IS FAITHFUL WHO PROMISED.
Peace and Love