Love Covers

God’s Love for you is like the ocean; vast and deep. It’s like the sky; covering and encompassing all. And like the sand; we can never count each grain.

Friends, have you ever taken the time to truly meditate on God’s love for you? If not, stop a minute……. Set aside the worries and the troubles you encounter in your life. Look at your life and all the things that you have been through, what you are going through now, and even what could have been. Sometimes you wonder, HOW AM I GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH? And then you wonder, HOW DID I MAKE IT THROUG?

Well my friend I will tell you. It was the Love of God that kept you, and it is the Love of God that will continue to keep you. You see, He loves you with an everlasting love. Do not think for a moment that God is not concerned about you. It is His love toward you that will set all things in order for you. You are more than a conqueror through His love.

He has proved His love for you by giving you His most prized gift. His son, how will He not give is everything else? He knows our needs, our fears, and our unbelief, and He covers it all with His love. There is nothing that can separate you from that love. You must know it and receive it so you can live it out.

He pours it in you, in your heart when you receive what He has done for you. It is so overwhelming it spills from you to others, and as you love others He increases it in you. as you. Love is an infectious thing. It spreads when not contained.

I pray today that you zoom into His love for you. It will give you the healing that you need. It will calm and soothe every turmoil, every hurt, every pain, every injustice. Friend, to know you are loved by the highest force that exists is most profound. When you know and realize the vastness, beauty and splendor of His love for you, it WILL set you right. Nothing and no one can take it from you.


Peace and Love!

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