If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with everyone. Romans 12:18

Live peaceably with everyone, yes, EVERYONE. That includes yourself. Find your peace and live in it. You cannot give what you do not have. It must take place within you first. Within your heart and mind. When you settle on it then you can extend/transfer it to others.
Peace takes work. Peace comes as you decide on it. So rid yourself of the things, people, situations that disrupt your peace and come to terms with the things you cannot change (give it to God). Clear your mind, clear your physical space. Clear your atmosphere from spiritual chaos. Declutter your heart/mind and bring in the things that foster tranquility, serenity, and spiritual prosperity.
When you go on your way you, out of your personal safe space, you will experience a level of Love that no outer chaos can offend. The peace of God passes all understanding. You will not comprehend how you can be at peace in the midst of chaos (this world). It’s not for you to understand, just be. God is at work in you.
Peace and Love.