Stand Strong
Hello friends. Is your belief system based on the word of God? Have you ever been put in a position that challenged your faith/belief system? Do you take a firm stand when issues arise and the issue requires you to choose between what you know is truth and right, and what is mere opinion, or emotional feelings? Do you fold under the pressure of what opposes your faith, because it can cause you to lose a friend, a loved one, a good job, or even cause you to be ostracised, hated, and looked down upon? Well friends, we live in a time where right is wrong and wrong is right. We live in a time where the truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. We live in a time where we are given an ultimatum if we don’t follow a certain narrative. And most definitely, we are living in a time when we will see who we really are in character and belief.
Friends, amid all this chaos, we must realize and understand that this is a time when we have to stand strong to God’s principles as well. His principles and standard of living, help keep goodness and morality in place if we want a better society. Yes, we live in a fallen world and we can only have what God originally intended for the human race in the Kingdom of God. However, our earthly circumstances do not mean that we should not advocate for good moral standards. When we are of the same mindset as our creator, we must take a stand and not compromise on the things that will cause our own destruction and the destruction of others. Whether the matter is personal or public, we must speak to immoral systems and behaviors. It will be required of you to speak to it. You can no longer be silent, not pretend that it’s not real, or hope that it blows over, You must speak out. You must decide on what your response will be. Will you compromise Biblical truth, or will you exalt righteousness?
So friends, if you have compromised in your own life, and not taken a strong stand when it comes to your own personal behaviors, and you haven’t been true to your belief system (the word of God) then you need to evaluate and make the decision to no longer compromise. Bad habits, lying, sexual sins, gossip, hate, jealousy, speaking profanely etc (you know where you compromise) these behaviors are the premise of why our world is in the state it is today, and weighs heavily on the narratives that we now see to oust Biblical morality. Choose to stand strong in obedience to Biblical principles. Start with self then share with others, knowing that when all things come to an end, and it will, you would have done your part to preserve the good.
Peace and Love!