Who Do You Say That I Am?

Hello Friends. One day Jesus asked His disciples saying, “Whom do you say that I am?”, Matthew 16:15 Kjv.  After hearing from His disciples who other people were saying He was, He wanted to hear from them who they said that He is. Now, according to Jesus’ disciples, other people were saying that He was one of the Prophets. But, who would know better who Jesus is better than the ones who were with Him on a daily basis? The ones who saw firsthand all He said and did? They saw His miracles, ate with Him, and received much Knowledge, wisdom, and truth about God. Surely they would know exactly who He really is. So, Peter (one of His disciples) answered Him and said, “Thou art the Christ, the son of the living God.” PETER HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. His answer couldn’t have been more accurate. And it was then that Jesus gave Simon Barjona the name Peter (Rock). Here Jesus also fortifies His Church/called-out ones/ecclesia and assures the future protection of all who recognize the fact that He Jesus is indeed the Christ, Son of the living God, and the very gates of Hell will not prevail against this truth. 

Now friends, Have you been with Jesus? Do you walk and talk with Him? Do you sup with Him? Has he done signs, wonders, and miracles in your life?  Has being with Him changed you? Has He given you a new name? You see friends, only through an intimate relationship with Christ can you truly say who He is. Beyond the witness of His ministry, WHO DO YOU SAY THAT JESUS IS?  Friends, When you spend time with Christ and you recognize and have confidence that He is the son of God, you will have the assurance that you are under God’s complete love care and protection. The attacks of the enemy will never defeat you or prevail against you. You are Christ’s called-out ones, you are His church. Stand strong in knowing that Christ has already declared the victory of all who would believe in Him and the truth of who He is. When you take this stand, have no doubt that Hell is coming up against you. However, when you stand on the authority of the name of Jesus Hell will not prevail against you. Yes, believing in this man who went about only doing good will cause Hell to oppose you, but will also bring you victory.

Friends, people will have many opinions about Christ and will call Him everything but the Son of God, and they will do the same to you, but no matter what people may say about Jesus, no matter how they discredit His name, you know who He is, and He knows your name because you are with Him and He is with you. He is your foundation and refuge. Solid, sure, steadfast, and eternal. He has given you power in His name, so be empowered today and every day in your life. Know that whatever you may be faced with is only testing your faith. God will equip you to pass every test and to win EVERY battle. No matter your opponent, or opposition, you win. So continue to stand for Christ and in the authority of His name because HE IS THE CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD. 

Peace and Love!

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